Full Forms And Abbreviations For Competitive Exams
In every competitive exam one or two questions are expected from Full forms and Abbreviations. So in this post I have included various full forms and abbreviations , which will be very helpful for exams such as SSC CGL SSC , CHSL And RRB NTPC Etc.
Water purifiers
U V = Ultra Violet rays
U F = Ultra Filtration
M F = Micro Filtration
N F = Nano Filtration
T D S = Total Dissolved Solids
B I S = Bureau of Indian standard
Computer and Information Technology
H T T P = Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
H T M L = Hyper Text Markup Language
R A M = Random Access Memory
R O M = Read Only Memory
C A D = Computer Aided Design
L A N = Local Area Network
W A N = Wide Area Network
D T P = Desk Top Publishing
K B = Kilo Byte
M B = Mega Byte
G B = Giga Byte
B I T = Binary Digits Task
A L U = Arithmetic Logical Unit
U P S = Unregulated Power Supply
P D S = Portable Document Format
WIFI = Wireless Fidelity
U S B = Universal Serial Bus
D O S = Disk Operating System
U P S = Uninterrupted Power Supply
D V D = Digital Versatile Disc
I T = Information Technology
P C = Personal Computer
W W W = World Wide Web
M O D E M = Modulator Demodulator
J P E G = Joint Photographic Expert Group
I S R O = Indian Space Research Organisation
L C D = Liquefied Crystal Display
M W = Medium Wave
S W = Short Wave
F M = Frequency Modulation
A M = Amplitude Modulation
P M = Phase Modulation
R D X = Research Department Explosive
Or Royal Demolition Explosive
I C = Integrated Circuit
C N G = Compressed Natural Gas
L P G = Liquified Petrolium Gas
N A E P = National Atomic Energy Planning
A I D S = Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
G S L V = Geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle
D R D O = Defence Research and Development Organisation
B A R C = Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
G M = Genetically Modified
P S L V = Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
R H S = Right Hand Side
L C M = Lowest Common Multiple
H C F = Highest Common Factor
D R = Direction Ratio
D C = Direction Cosine
A P = Arithmetic Progression
G P = Geometric Progression
H P = Harmonic Progression
A M = Arithmetic Mean
G M = Geometric Mean
H M = Harmonic Mean
T Ratios = Trigonometric Ratios
P M I = Principle of Mathematical Induction
L D E = Linear Differential Equation
I F = =Integration Factor
C D = Common Difference
C R = Common Ratio
s. t. = Such That
A / C =According to Conditions
A/ Q = According to Questions
K Y C = Know Your Customer
I T R = Income Tax Return
I T O = Income Tax Officer
T D S = Tax Deducted at Source
E C S = Electronic Clearing Service
O T P = One Time Password
P A N = Permanent Account Number
N P A = Non Performing Asset
M I C R = Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
N E F T = National Electronic Fund Transfer
R T G S = Real Time Gross Settlement
O C R = Optical Character Recognition
O M R = Optical Mark Reader
I D B I = Industrial Development Bank of India
N A B A R D = National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
N P S = New Pension Scheme
O P S = Old Pension Scheme
E O E = Errors and omissions Excepted
H O = Head Office
International organisations
U N O = United Nations Organisation
UNICEF = United Nations Children's Fund
UNESCO = United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
W T O = World Trade Organisation
W H O = World Health Organisation
G A T T = General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
S A A R C = South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
N A S A = National Aeronautics and Space Administration
N A T O =North Atlantic Treaty organisation
A S E A N = Association of South East Asian Nation
BCCI = Board of Control for cricket in India
ICC = International Cricket Council
IPL= Indian Premier League
Cable TV and Mobile Phone
M M S = Multimedia Messaging Service
S T D = Subscriber Trunk Dialling
S I M = Subscriber Identity Module
C N N = Cable News Network
G S M = Global System of Mobile Communication
D T H = Direct To Home
C A S = Conditional Access System
Business and Commerce
G S T = Goods and Sale Tax
V A S = Value Added Service
S E B I = Securities and Exchange Board of India
S E Z = Special Economic Zone
H U D C O = Housing and Urban Development Corporation
O P E C = Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
A P E C = Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
E C B = External Commercial Borrowing
Forex = Foreign Exchange
Welfare Scheme
E P F = Employee Provident Fund
C P F = Centre Provident Fund
I R D P = Integrated Rural Development Program
A P L = Above Poverty Line
B P L = Below Poverty Line
S C = Schedule Cast
S T = Schedule Tribe
O B C = Other Backward Classes
U R = Un Reserved
W F F = Ward of Freedom Fighter
B D O = Block Development Officer
D C = Deputy Commissioner
D M = Divisional Magistrate
A C P = Assistant Commissioner of Police
D C P = Deputy Commissioner of Police
D I G = Deputy Inspector General
S P = Superintendent of Police
D S P = Deputy Superintendent of Police
A S I = Assistant Sub Inspector
S I = Sub Inspector
I T O = Income Tax Officer
I T C = Income Tax Commissioner
I C G = Indian Coast Guard
C D S = Combined Defense Service
N D A = Naval Defense Academy
I M A = Indian Military Academy
O T A = Officer Training Academy
I A F = Indian Air Force
N S A = National Testing Agency
I P S = Indian Police Service
B S F = Border Security Force
I T B P = Hindustan Tibet Border Police
C R P F = Central Reserve Police Force
C I S F = Central Industrial Security Force
N S G = National Security Guard
I A S = Indian Administrative Service
T R A I = Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
L T T E = Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
J K L F = Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front
L O C = Line Of Control
S I M I = Students Islamic Movement of India
I S I = Inter Services Intelligence
I P C = Indian Penal Code
INTERPOL = International Police
R P F = Railway Protection Force
NHAI = National Highways Authority of India
P O K = Pak Occupied Kashmir
U S A = United State of America
U S S R = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
U K = United Kingdom
U A E = United Arab Emirate
F A T A = Federally Administered Tribal Area
S A F T A = South Asian Free Trade Area
N E F A = North East Frontier Agency
F I R = First Information Report
V V P A T = Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail
G P O = General Post Office
B P = Blood Pressure
a m = Ante Meridian
p m = Post Meridian
H Q = Head Quarter
P P P = Public Private Partnership
M O U = Memorandum of Understanding
I L O = International Labour Organisation
N A S A = National Aeronautics and space administration
C T B T = Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
U P A = United Progressive Alliance
N D A = National Democratic Alliance
Lt Gov = Lieutenant Governor
D Lit Doctorate of Literature
P I L = Public Interest Litigation
R T O = Regional Transport Office
N R C = National Register of Citizens
यह भी जरुर पढ़ें :-
Full Forms and Abbreviations
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हिमाचल प्रदेश सामान्य ज्ञान
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