Listed father of all subjects in Hindi / सभी विषयों के जनक , Subjects and their Father means their Discoverer.
Subject and Father of Subject
SN | Subject | Father of Subject |
SN1 | SubjectPhysics | Father of SubjectAlbert Einstein/ Newton |
SN2 | SubjectTrigonometry | Father of SubjectHipparchu |
SN3 | SubjectStatistics | Father of SubjectRonald Fisher |
SN4 | SubjectAyurveda | Father of SubjectCharak /Dhanvantri |
SN5 | SubjectBiology | Father of SubjectAristotle |
SN6 | SubjectGeometry | Father of SubjectEuclid |
SN7 | SubjectElectronics | Father of SubjectTomlinson |
SN8 | SubjectGenetics | Father of SubjectGregor Johann Mendel |
SN9 | SubjectArchitecture | Father of SubjectImhotep |
SN10 | SubjectRobotics | Father of SubjectAl- Jazari |
SN11 | SubjectZoology | Father of SubjectAristotle |
SN12 | SubjectHistory | Father of SubjectHerodotus |
SN13 | SubjectEconomics | Father of SubjectAdam Smith |
SN14 | SubjectInternet | Father of SubjectVinton cerf |
SN15 | SubjectBotany | Father of SubjectTheophrastus |
SN16 | SubjectMicro Biology | Father of SubjectLouis Pasteur |
SN17 | SubjectElectricity | Father of SubjectBenjamin Franklin |
SN18 | SubjectAlgebra | Father of SubjectDiophantus |
SN19 | SubjectBlood Groups | Father of SubjectLandsteiner |
SN20 | SubjectRobotics | Father of SubjectNikola Tesla |
SN21 | SubjectVideo Game | Father of SubjectThomas T Goldsmith Jr |
SN22 | SubjectSearch Engine | Father of SubjectAlan Emtage |
SN24 | SubjectWorld wide web | Father of SubjectTim Berners Lee |
SN25 | SubjectC language | Father of SubjectDenis Ritchie |
SN26 | SubjectPeriodic table | Father of SubjectDamitri Mendeleev |
SN27 | SubjectMathematics | Father of SubjectArchimedes |
SN28 | SubjectGreen Revolution | Father of SubjectNorman Ernest |
SN28 | SubjectIndian Constitution | Father of SubjectDr B R Ambedkar |
SN29 | SubjectHomeopathy | Father of SubjectSamuel Hahnemann |
SN30 | SubjectLaw | Father of SubjectCicero |
SN31 | SubjectGreen Revolution in India | Father of SubjectM S Swaminathan |
SN32 | SubjectMedicine | Father of SubjectHippocrate |
SN33 | SubjectNanotechnology | Father of SubjectRichard smalley |
SN34 | SubjectTaxonomy | Father of SubjectCarolus Linnaeus |
SN35 | SubjectModern Chemistry | Father of SubjectAntoin Lavosier |
SN36 | SubjectParliament | Father of SubjectBritain |
SN37 | SubjectPolitical science | Father of SubjectAristotle |
SN38 | SubjectSociology | Father of SubjectAuguste Comte |
SN39 | SubjectGeography | Father of SubjectEratosthenes |
SN40 | SubjectOlympic Games | Father of SubjectPiare de Cubartin |
SN41 | SubjectSanskrit Grammar | Father of SubjectPanini |
SN42 | SubjectModern Chemistry | Father of SubjectAntoine Lavosier |
SN43 | SubjectCivil Service | Father of SubjectLord Carnvalis |
SN44 | SubjectAyurveda | Father of SubjectDhanvantri |
SN45 | SubjectTheory of Evolution | Father of SubjectCharles Darvin |
SN46 | SubjectCivics | Father of SubjectBenjamin Franklin |
SN47 | SubjectArt | Father of SubjectPablo Picasso |
SN48 | SubjectPhilosophy | Father of SubjectSocrates |
SN49 | SubjectMobile Phone | Father of SubjectMartin Copper |
SN50 | SubjectModern Painting | Father of SubjectNand Lal Boss |
SN | Subject | Father of Subject |
SN1 | SubjectAtomic Energy | Father of SubjectDr Homi Jahangir Bhabha |
SN2 | SubjectIdealisms | Father of SubjectHegale |
SN3 | SubjectWhite Revolution | Father of SubjectDr Bargis Kourian |
SN4 | SubjectModern Republic | Father of SubjectAmerica |
SN5 | SubjectModern Education | Father of SubjectCharles Grant |
SN6 | SubjectModern Liberalism | Father of SubjectJohn Lock |
SN7 | SubjectModern Classification | Father of SubjectCarolus Linnaeus |
SN8 | SubjectPsychology | Father of SubjectGregor Johann Mendel |
SN9 | SubjectEnglish Grammar | Father of SubjectLindley Murray |
SN10 | SubjectLinguistics | Father of SubjectNoam Chomsky |
SN11 | SubjectJournalism | Father of SubjectJoseph Pulitzer |
SN12 | SubjectModern physics | Father of SubjectGalileo Galilei |
SN13 | SubjectModern Astronomy | Father of SubjectNicolas Copernicus |
SN14 | SubjectComputer Science | Father of SubjectGeorg Boole And Alan Turning |
SN15 | SubjectNuclear science | Father of SubjectMarie Curies and Pierre Curies |
SN16 | SubjectAmerican Football | Father of SubjectWaletr Camp |
SN17 | SubjectScientific management | Father of SubjectFrederick winslow Taylor |
SN18 | SubjectAmerican constitution | Father of SubjectJames Madion |
SN19 | SubjectNumbers | Father of SubjectPythagoras |
SN20 | SubjectLaptop | Father of SubjectBill Moggridge |
SN21 | SubjectModern Olympics | Father of SubjectPierre de Coubertin |
SN22 | SubjectElectronics | Father of SubjectMichael Faraday |
SN23 | SubjectWalter camp | Father of SubjectGeoffrey Chaucer |
SN24 | SubjectNuclear Physics | Father of SubjectErnest Rutherford |
SN25 | SubjectAlgebra | Father of SubjectMohammed Izmmussel |
SN26 | SubjectPsychology | Father of SubjectSigmund Freud |
SN27 | SubjectPlastic surgery | Father of SubjectSir Harold Gillies |
SN28 | SubjectSurgery | Father of SubjectSushruta |
SN29 | SubjectGazal | Father of SubjectMirza Galib |
SN30 | SubjectArchaeology | Father of SubjectWilliam Flinders Petrie> |
SN31 | SubjectHindi Grammar | Father of SubjectBhartendu Harishchander> |
SN32 | SubjectEnglish Language | Father of SubjectGeoffrey Chaucer |
SN33 | SubjectMensuration | Father of SubjectLeonard Digges |
SN34 | SubjectProbability | Father of SubjectGirolamo Cardno |
SN35 | SubjectEnglish Grammar | Father of SubjectLindely Murray |
SN36 | SubjectHumanism | Father of SubjectFransisco Petrarca |
SN37 | SubjectNew France | Father of SubjectSamuel de Champlain |
SN38 | SubjectNuclear chemistry | Father of SubjectOtto Hahn |
SN39 | SubjectIndia | Father of SubjectMohan Das Karam chand Gandhi |
SN40 | SubjectPakistan | Father of SubjectQuaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah |
यह थी जानकारी Father of all subjects in Hindi / सभी विषयों के जनक
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